Information From Your Health Care Provider


BAsic information


The eyes are not aligned together, and eyes point in different directions. One or both eyes may turn inward (crossed eyes), outward ("walleye"), upward, or downward. The ability of the eyes to focus is not fully mature at birth. A true eye problem shows up from 3 or 4 months of age. It also may occur in childhood or later. Strabismus may be constant (occurs all the time) or intermittent (occurs some of the time).

frequent signs and symptoms


Eye movement is controlled by brain signals to six muscles around each eye. Loss of coordinated movement may result from:

risk increases with

preventive measures

No specific preventive measures.

expected outcomes

POSsible complications

Loss of normal vision in one eye.

diagnosis & treatment

general measures


Botulinum toxin injections may sometimes be recommended for adults. They are injected into an eye-turning muscle, outside the eye, by using a special needle.


No limits. Protect your child against falls or injury while he or she adjusts to an eye patch.


No special diet.

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Special Notes:




More notes on the back of this page